Thursday, 17 April 2008

Thursday 17 April

Not the most interesting of titles, but not a particularly interesting day.

I had an appointment this morning with a man who wants a pension and an appointment with a young couple this evening who want a pension. In between I sat in on a meeting with a man who has pensions.

I had a more interesting time this morning before I went out - I receive an email every day with IT related jobs, which I go through, discounting all the contract ones and those that are out of the area I am willing to travel.

Don't get me wrong, I am prepared to travel, but not more than 50 miles, which I don't think is unreasonable.

I generally see one or two jobs that may be suitable, but then I call the employment agency who think otherwise. Because I have no particular experience to speak of - just minor things that I have done in previous jobs (setting up wireless networks, rebuilding PCs, technical queries counts for nothing), and no IT qualifications it means that I will be very lucky to get any position in IT - I guess there are too many other people gunning for the same job.

I will keep looking and keep applying - one day if I am persistent I'll get my break...

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